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PT. CAHAYA ANUGRAH - TEKINDO ( Lab Bahasa , Alat Peraga, Listrik, Telekomunikasi, Elektronika dll )

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PT. CAHAYA ANUGRAH - TEKINDO ( Lab Bahasa ,  Alat Peraga,  Listrik,  Telekomunikasi,  Elektronika dll )
PT. CAHAYA ANUGRAH - TEKINDO ( Lab Bahasa , Alat Peraga, Listrik, Telekomunikasi, Elektronika dll )
  • Katalog Produk

    alat peraga STM SMK 2009

    alat peraga STM SMK 2009

    murah - nego
    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Negara Asal:
    Kemas & Pengiriman:

    Keterangan :

    Kami produsen alat peraga SMK STM silahkan hub 081318195382

    Training : Listrik , Elektronika
    Advanced PLC Trainer
    Alarm Trainer
    Antenna System Demonstrator
    Audio System Trainer
    Basic Analog Comunication Trainer
    Basic Digital Communication Trainer
    Basic Electricity Trainer
    Basic Electronic Trainer
    Cassette Recorder Trainer
    Circuit Application Trainer
    Color Television Trainer
    Digital Trainer
    Fundamental and Installation Trainer
    Fundamental of Electrical Machine Trainer
    General Cycle Refrigeration Trainer
    Laboratory Breadboard
    Microcontroller Trainer
    Microprocessor Trainer
    Microwave Trainer
    Module AM Transceiver Trainer
    Module FM Transceiver Trainer
    Operational Amplifier Trainer
    Opto Electronic Trainer
    PLC Trainer
    Power Electronic Trainer
    Radio Trainer
    Servo Trainer
    Solar Energy Demonstrator
    Training Set for Lighting Control

    Automotive Trainer :
    2-Stroke Motorcycle Engine, Live
    4-Stroke Motorcycle Engine, Live
    Vespa Motorcycle Engine, Live
    Car Diesel Training Stand
    Petrol Engine Training, Rotating Stand
    Petrol Engine Training, Rotating Stand, EFI
    Diesel Engine Training, Rotating Stand
    Car Petrol Engine, 4 Cylinders, with Transmission
    Car Petrol Engine, 4 Cylinders, with Transmission, EFI
    Car Diesel Engine, 4 Cylinders, with Transmission
    Car Petrol Engine, 4 Cylinders, w/o Transmission
    Car Petrol Engine, 4 Cylinders, w/o Transmission, EFI
    Car Diesel Engine, 4 Cylinders, w/o Transmission
    2-Stroke Motorcycle Engine, Sectioned
    4-Stroke Motorcycle Engine, Sectioned
    Vespa Motorcycles Engine, Sectioned
    Petrol Car Engine, Sectioned
    Diesel Car Engine, Sectioned
    Practice Petrol Engine, 4 Cylinders
    Practice Petrol Engine, 4 Cylinders, EFI
    Practice Diesel Engine, 4 Cylinders
    Motorcycle Electrical System, Prewired
    Car Electrical System, Prewired
    Diesel Engine Preheating System
    Ignition System, Mechanical
    Ignition System, CDI
    Air Condition System, Sectioned
    Alternator, Sectioned
    Starter Motor, Sectioned
    Fuel Pump , Mechanical
    Fuel Pump, Electrical
    Hydraulilc Master Cylinder Set
    Car Hydraulic Brake System
    Injection Pump, Rotary Type
    Injection Pump, In Line Type
    Turbocharger, Sectioned
    Clutch Demonstration Set
    Manual Transmision, Sectioned, 5 speed
    Manual Transmision, Sectioned, 6 speed
    Automatic Transmission, Sectioned
    Propeller Shaft
    Differential and Axle Trainer
    Differential and Axle, Sectioned
    Steering Unit with Suspension and Brakes
    Power Steering Trainer
    Windscreen Wiper System

    Permesinan :
    Mesin Bubut
    Mesin Bubut, 220V, 1Ph
    Mesin Bubut, 380V, 3Ph
    Mesin Gergaji Lengan
    Mesin Gergaji Pita
    Mesin Lipat
    Mesin Potong Plat
    Mesin Tekuk Kotak

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