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Tn. Winarko Argi Pramono [Pemilik/Pengusaha]

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Nomor telpon Tn. Winarko Argi Pramono di Yogyakarta

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Nomor ponsel Tn. Winarko Argi Pramono di Yogyakarta


Jalan Bakri No 102, Sanggrahan, Condongcatur
Yogyakarta 55281, Yogyakarta

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Katalog Produk

Power Cleanser
HargaUSD $ 4.5
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranWestern Union
Kemas & PengirimanBottle
Negara AsalIndonesia


PowerCleanser( PiCi) is a herbs originating from best quality herbals includingAl-Habbatussauda, reliable to recover various kinds of both minor andsevere illnesses. The first performance of PiCi is detoxificating( cleansing all toxics from the body) , stimulating the functions ofbody organs, improving metabolism system, improving digestive system, revitalizing the broken body cells, and increasing antibody.

Note: the result of PiCi insyaAllahcan be felt in a short time, but sometimes after consuming PiCi therewill be some reactions such as headache, queasy, diarrhea, nausea, stomach upset, itches, abscess, sweating a lot ( might stink) , rapidheartbeat, waist stiffness, etc. If you experience any of these, begrateful, because it is a positive symptom, indicating that theprocess of detoxification is working. Usually, such reactions willnot last quite long, just from 1 to 4 days. After that, you willfeel the improvement of your body condition, and will recover soonwith the blessing of Allah Taala. If you feel that the reaction istoo severe, the solution is simply reduce the dose you are taking anddrink a lot of plain water. Many reports from the users stating thatPiCi, by Allahs blessing has proved to successfully recover manymajor illnesses such as: stroke, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, kidneys problem, tumor, cancer, HIV/ AIDS, hepatitis, anemia, andso on.

Suggestedusage: ( with Bismillah)

Dosefor food supplement : 2x daily @ 2 capsules

Curativeoral dose for adults : 3x daily @ 2 capsules

Curativeoral dose for children : 3x daily @ 1 capsule

If you live abroad ( external of Indonesia) , we suggest to pay by using Western Union service by contacting local agent of Western Union.

Way of Delivery :
o Western Union agent where you live and fur fill the form to send money TO SEND MONEY ( TSM) completely

Delivery of money addressed to :
Winarko Argi Pramono
Samirono Baru, No 47
RT 002, RW 003
Desa Caturtunggal Kecamatan Depok
Sleman - Yogyakarta. Kp 55281

o Submit the form which have been filled and money you would send to officer of agent.
o You will have a receipt of completed with Money Transfer Control Number ( MTCN) .

o Immediately after transferring money with Western Union please contact to us in your confirmation email by mentioning the following data :
1. Name and email ( used when ordering product)
2. Consignor name of money
3. Your complete address with its zip code
4. Telephone number which can contact
5. Amount of money delivery
6. Number of MCTN
o If transferring somebody else ( not your self) you should contact us, the name and complete address. We need the data to bank' s administration.

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