Dupont Lateral Flow System Listeria Test Kit
How the DuPont� Lateral Flow System� works
The DuPont� Lateral Flow System� test is an immunoassay with built-in controls.
It employs a unique combination of anti-Listeria antibodies and a highly engineered
colloidal gold conjugate coated on the surface of a membrane. The sample wicks up
the test strip by capillary action. If Listeria is present in the sample, two red lines are
The DuPont� Lateral Flow System� Listeria media provides a single-stage
enrichment, with no transfers required. Simply mix the powdered media base with
sterile water and add the supplement before use for results in 40 hours.
After enrichment, heat an aliquot of sample broth in a test tube for 5 minutes,
and allow to cool. Drop the test strip into the sample tube, and read the results 10
minutes later. One control line is built into the lateral flow strip so you know the test
has worked correctly. Two lines indicate a positive result. Test strips and media base
can be stored at room temperature. The media supplement requires refrigeration.
The DuPont� Lateral Flow System� Listeria test is designed to detect Listeria on
environmental surfaces and in a variety of ready-to-eat foods (such as deli meats,
chicken nuggets, pepperoni, hot dogs, chicken salad and potato salad), dairy product
(such as ice cream, soft cheese and milk), and fish products (such as cooked shrimp
and smoked fish). The test can reliabably detect 1 cfu in 25 grams of sample.
Full Product Line
DuPont� Lateral Flow System� Listeria test strips are available in 45-test kits,
which include a package insert. Media base with supplement are available
The DuPont� Lateral Flow System� Listeria test has been submitted to AOAC for
certification as a Performance Testedsm Method.
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